Rodeo & Chuckwagons

Lifelink EMSLifelink has Specialized Paramedics that are experienced and knowledgeable about Rodeo and Chuckwagon Races.

We have a close affiliation with the Canadian Pro Rodeo Sport Medicine Team.

Our medical staff have a Rural background and have experience being around livestock, knowing when and when not to enter the rodeo arena.

You will never find one of our Medics sitting inside one of our units, we station close to the action and an access gate into the rodeo infield.

Our Chuckwagon Team, has Rapid Response Vehicles, along with a complete Advanced Life Support Medical Unit(s).

rodeo    Rodeo 2   Rodeo 1  542437_353853701354922_2067242588_n




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Chuckwagon   chuck  Chuckwagon 2


Lifelink EMS

With Lifelink EMS


at the RIGHT TIME,

and at the RIGHT PLACE