Sporting Events


Lifelink EMS

Sporting Events

Imagine that an athlete at one of your sporting events is injured on the field and he or she must lie there in pain, waiting, as the audience looks on wondering “why don’t they do something?” It’s a situation which can easily arise if you must rely on local EMS (Emergency Medical Services) to reach your location. If the local EMS is already attending another call, the wait can be a long one. It is for this reason that many insurance companies will not cover your sporting event unless you have continual medical, paramedic and ambulance standby. Lifelink can provide that continual medical support, stabilizing the ill or injured patient and, if necessary calling in regional EMS to transport.


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 Downhill Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Freestyle Aerials

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Snownobile Racing & Ice Racing

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Lifelink EMS


With Lifelink EMS


at the RIGHT TIME,

and at the RIGHT PLACE